1 out of 6 Women Have Been The Victim of Rape
Updated: May 18, 2021

Domestic violence, rape, and physical abuse has always been a sensitive topic in society and among women. Most of the time because women are too scared, frightened, and mentally oppressed to speak out against their abusers. This abuse could stem all the way from their youth, all the way until their adulthood. Many times it takes years for women to finally get the courage to speak up about their experiences, & all of the injustices that were done to them. Especially living in a world where this type of treatment of women is promoted in our culture, our music, & our movies. There are also a lot of underground cults where men regularly attend violent masochist activities and events based on the study of occult dark magic and Satanism. These types of lifestyles also promote the abuse of women and young children. This is a super significant factor in beginning to understand the influence these types of communities may have on the abusive perpetrator. None the less the law clearly states that any assault on another human being is a crime punishable by law, and if you commit these crimes knowingly, you will face consequences. Women are at a much greater risk than men when it comes to physical assault & abuse, because most women are dependent on men, especially in a male dominated world and society. In a country where women were just granted the right to vote, and are still fighting gender equality issues, it can be a difficult task to accomplish without the support of your family, or local freedom activists. This is why we should prioritize communication and complete disclosure of these men’s actions at any given time, and in any given situation. We as a society also have to come together and show our help and support for organizations, that help to free women from these abusive domestic situations. We also need to prioritize more around the clock abuse hotlines, and 24/7 safe houses for women to resort to in any life or death home abuse emergencies. This is extremely crucial to help protect women and their children from troubled abusive men running rampant in our society today, and to provide safer more stable living situations.