Haiti Earthquake Relief Resources
Updated: Feb 26, 2022

America has always been known to provide aid to struggling countries in times of natural disasters, emergencies, and famines. It is one of the qualities that make us one of the most popular and sought after places to live on the planet. When you think of “Coming to America” much like the high aspirations of the classic film, you think of freedom, safety, and health. These are also the things that we have helped to provide to other struggling and developing countries. with the largest immigrant population, in the world. Always extending a helping hand to our neighbors has made us the most loved sanctuary and safe harbor in the world Many people move to America to seek refuge from a country in turmoil or to escape from violent oppressive leaders. With Haiti’s Presidents recent death and the earthquakes that have had devastating effects on their terrain and infrastructure, many Americans have began donation efforts to help the struggling people of Haiti. I remember in the Haiti Earthquake of 2010, my father founded Carribbean Charities and led a group of doctors and church members to help bring aid and relief to the victims of the earthquake. Being a country of 11.4 million with such little resources, a struggling government, and scarce health care, this should definitely be a human rescue effort being prioritized by all of the richest countries in the world. After efforts by the American Red Cross, Red Crescent & UNICEF failed to bring any real relief, domestic organizations such as The Lambi Fund of Haiti, HaitiOne, The Haiti Emergency Relief Fund, the What If Foundation, Fonkoze, & the Health Equity International St. Boniface Hospital have come together to provide food, shelter, medical care, and other resources. Most of the volunteers being Haitians themselves. There are many international charities that have always been exceptional in provided relief and refuge to impoverished nations during natural disasters and funding relief for Haiti should be at the top of their priority list. Being one of the top 50 poorest countries in the world has left Haiti struggling to provide support for it's citizens. Spreading awareness and being a voice for the people of Haiti can help bring this country back to the flourishing, prosperous nation it once was.