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Happy International Woman's Day


Updated: May 18, 2021

Happy International Women’s Day from us here at Atomic World News!💐

International Women’s Day is a global holiday observed every year to acknowledge and honor the political, cultural, and socioeconomic success, and achievements of notable women, and women owned organizations from all around the world. It also highlights the current women’s rights issues that women are still facing today, such as reproductive rights, mental & physical abuse, and gender equality. This day is also referred to as Civil Awareness Day, Women & Girls Day, Anti-Sexism day, and Anti-Discrimination Day. The first observance of this historic movement was in New York City on February 28, 1909 suggested by activist Theresa Malkiel and organized by the Socialist Party of America. By March 19, 1911, the first official holiday was marked by over a million people all around the world in countries such as Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Hungary and Austria. With women parading in streets and holding banners to honor the martyrs of the Paris Commune, demanding the right to vote, the right to hold public office, and protested employment sex discrimination. This goes to show how far women have come, and how hard we have fought to obtain our god given rights to basic freedom and liberty. International Women’s Day is a reminder of how women must still continue to fight and protest for our rights so that all of the years we spent suffering and mourning loss of lives will not be in vain. Women must continue to stick together and be a strong entity against any wicked institutions that seek to oppress or exploit us. As long as women are united nothing can stand in our way, and the possibilities and potential for a strong promising future are endless!



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