Japan to Release Fukushima Wastewater to Sea
Updated: Oct 28, 2021

In a critical time on our planet where endangered species are going extinct, the climate is at a dangerous high, & we have completely wiped out million year old coral reefs, we now receive the devastating news that Japan plans to release the toxic nuclear waste water from the Fukushima plant into our fragile oceans. This is one million tonnes of contaminated radioactive liquids being released off of their East coast, that will now be permanently affecting the water & air quality, while also killing off many species of marine life and contaminating resources & food in our oceans for millions and millions of years to come. Many surrounding countries and nations all over the world are shocked & displeased at the negligence and complete disregard for our environment of our already afflicted oceans from Japan. South Korea’s foreign minister addresses these actions with “strong regret & serious concerns,” while Liu Senlin at the CIAE calls it “extremely irresponsible.” Although scientists at the IAEA claim the risks are low because the radiation in the treated water is very low & will be gradually released over time. Any toxic substance dispersed in an already declining ecosystem will see negative effects on marine life, coral habitats & water acidity any way you look at it. With the already devastating effects of coral bleaching, & the toxicity of the water quality from climate change, this event will be extremely difficult for the planet to recover from for millions of years to come. This is such a destructive event that is being taken on the planet that it could be considered an attack on the Earth & be called environmental terrorism. Already so many people have gathered in the streets to protest against Japan’s decision and have voiced their concerns through many news media outlets to try to combat this catastrophic environmental corruption that could potentially have cataclysmic effects on the Earth & all life on it. No matter what scientists say about their statistics “having minimal impact on the planet,” it is an undeniable fact that actions taken by humans especially by large scale events like this one have always scene drastic calamitous results.