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Murderers and Pedophiles in Hollywood


Hollywood was always such a fun and exciting place in our cinematic youthful memories. Filling our youth with box office nostalgia & the glitz and glamour of celebrities on the red carpet. Old Hollywood nostalgia radiated through your thoughts, like the importance of getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame & famous glamorous scenes of Marilyn Monroe’s legendary it girl debut. Who wouldn’t want to live a life under a golden spotlight, attending events with the finest designer clothes, eating the fanciest foods, & driving the worlds most expensive cars. That’s why most of the time we overlook the secret lives lurking behind the on screen shadows, because we are too distracted by all of the flashy sparkly outfits and toys. Bribery of course in a criminal world is the best method around & the greatest trick in the book when buttering up people to get something that you want. In this case their soul. Yup, Hollywood is the most prime location to scout & prey on impressionable youth willing to give up not only their free will, but their rights as a citizen of the Earth to do unspeakable things for fame, money, & glory. A lot of people don’t know this about a lot of their favorite actors, models, athletes, and politicians but many are the masked faces behind these satanic occultist lifestyles. Engaging in controversial activities such as sacrificial rituals, assault crimes, & sex with underage children on remote islands like Jeffrey Epstein’s private island. Where Epstein & his notable celebrity friends traveled together on the “Lolita Express” which was said to have transported underage girls to his private island to perform rituals, engage in orgies, and satanic occultism. It was discovered that this vast structure had underground tunnels and chambers including a “sex temple” that led into this underground lair where he held events. Before the public was oblivious to these sex criminals hiding right in front of our faces. But slowly with more people coming forward and telling their stories & more celebrities removing their masks to tell theirs we are now finally beginning to see the men that so heavily influenced these human trafficking rings and encouraged them.



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