The Real Story Behind Valentine's Day

🌷💝Wishing everyone a happy Valentine’s Day here at Atomic World News!💝🌷
Everyone loves celebrating a candy filled
Valentine’s Day every year not only because it is filled with chocolatey sweets and stuffed bears but because it is celebrating the love and romance of lovers from all around the world! But do we even know how Valentine’s Day came to be or where it originated from? Most of us don’t! There are many theories about Saint Valentine and who he was. Many say he was a Catholic priest that was executed by the order of “Emperor Claudius” for refusing to deny Christ. Quite a morbid tale for such a lovely holiday don’t you think? Originally being celebrated as a Christian feast day honoring one or two early Christian martyrs, Valentine’s Day also represents a significant cultural and religious celebration of the love and romance shared by all of the diversity in the world no matter how grim and melancholic their origins may be!