UFOs Declassified
Updated: Mar 1, 2022

UFOs have always fascinated humans since the beginning of time. From the strange Egyptian aircraft heiroglyphics found in Egypt, to Area 51 wreck sightings in the deserts, sparkly lights in the night sky, & strange extraterrestrial beings have sparked our interest for centuries. Now with all of the deep fake videos & CGI apps, it is hard to discern which stories are real & which ones are pranks. Humans have been known to make up stories for fame & just about anyone can make a fake UFO video or design their own 3D CAD controllable alien. Some of the most famous & memorable sightings have been when the same glimmering anomalies in the night sky are seen at the same time, in the same area, by multiple people. All publishing their videos to the internet all at once, & police station hotlines in the area being bombarded with sighting reports. These are the most believable of all of the sightings because many people all witnessed them together at the same time. There are other instances where UFO sightings have been reported by military aircraft or commercial airplanes, a lot of the times recorded or caught on radar, to never be explained or solved. Like the famous video sighting of the U.S. Navy in 2020 that is still unexplained & all of the intricate crop circles that appear in corn fields all over the world. Just recently the CIA declassified over 2,700 newly digitized documents featuring all of the CIA's UFO related records since the 1940s. This collection of unidentified aerial phenomena, also referred to as "The Black Vault" was declassified after over 10,000 Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests were submitted by John Greenwald Jr. the owner of the website, who submitted the first request when he was just 15 years old. This also came one month after Congress’ passage of the 5,600-page Covid-19 relief bill, which included a provision calling for UFO-related documents’ disclosure. Downloadable documents are viewable in the FOIA Electronic Reading Room: cia.gov/readingroom/collection/ufos-fact-or-fiction or theblackvault.com You can now feel free to browse all of the documents on this website & make a decision for yourself if you believe aliens are real or not!