Why You Shouldn't Get The Covid-19 Vaccine
Updated: May 18, 2021

The truth about the COVID-19 vaccine and why you shouldn’t get it! Not only are we facing a world wide pandemic but we are also facing a global “infodemic.” Where truth is scarce and face masks are abundant. It seems like this infiltration into our health establishments is anything but a huge scam and borderline genocide. The COVID-19 vaccines biggest spokesperson and sponsor Bill gates, is also a huge advocate for eugenics. Eugenics is the practice of “improving the genetic quality” of a population by regulating mating or mass extermination like the doctrines adopted by Nazi Germany during the Holocaust. The Nazis used eugenics as justification for their murdering of Jews, the disabled, and other minorities. Background methods of eugenics in America include sterilization, forced abortions, forced pregnancies, marriage restrictions, racial and religious segregation, and genetic screenings. This has been happening quietly and slowly over the years in America but has now taken an exponential leap with the explosion of this new epidemic creating a sense of false urgency for a “cure” or vaccine. The mainstream media does this through lies, manipulation, and deception. This deceit is a method commonly used among greedy, gluttonous, globalist entities that seek to have totalitarian power and control over humanity. Instead of focusing on the freedom that God has given each and every one of us to thrive and flourish they are instead only focused on asserting violent dominance over all of our lives and on the innocence of our children. Not letting humans reach their fullest potential and have access to all of their unlimited budding possibilities. It seems to me that instead these people in power are the ones that need to be brought in for genetic screenings. Ideally taken into psychiatric health institutions to receive thorough mental health evaluations on their impulsive egomaniacal lifestyles. Not only do they not have the emotional maturity to hold their positions of power they also do not uphold the moral responsibility owed to the American people for fortuitously blessing them with all of their wealth and influence in the first place.
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